Original text

Technical University "Gh.Asachi" Iasi - Fac. Automation and Computers
Design with Microprocessors
Monday, 28 Jan, Time 19:36

Experiment No. 10

  • L10.1 Name

  • ARM Cortex M0 - from chip to app

    Results NXP Cup 2018 - Erlangen

  • L10.2 Overview, purpose

  • The laboratory experiment presents an application oriented version developed with ARM Cortex M0. The details of the dedicated / production systems are presented with the purpose of developing intelligent lighting systems that can also be used for data transmission. At the end of the laboratory will be kept precise information on how to carry out prototype production projects based on ARM Cortex M0.

  • L10.3 Resources

  • Hardware: Detachable debug mode from XMC1100 Boot Kit, xmc1100 processor in TSSOP 16 format, TLE 5260 extension, BT extension, 12 V battery, auto LED 10 W;

    Software: Development Environment DAVE4.3.2;

  • L10.4 Prototype Program

  • Prototype program

  • L10.5 Laboratory mode

    • Analyzing the dedicated lighting scheme schema below:
    • Identify the location of the components on the developed system:

    • Using the reference documentation for the XMC1100 ARM processor, review the chapter dedicated to the PWM interface and the DAVE 4.x software components.
    • It analyzes the functional structure of the TLE 5206 driver :

    • In DAVE se realizeaza un proiect cu programul prototip, utilizand DEBUG se transfera codul pe platforma de dezvoltare si se urmareste executia acestuia. Comenzile vor fi trimise cu aplicatie terminal de pe telefoane mobile.
    • Se rezolva problemele propuse

    • L10.6 Probleme propuse

    • 1. Dezvoltati o aplicatie asemantoare pentru becuri cu incandescenta alimentate la 220VCA;
      2. Dezvoltati o aplicatie care va perite reglarea intensitatii LED-ului functie de pozitia unui potentiometru conectat la intrarea An0;
      3. Realizati un program care va serializa pe LED-ul de putere un caracter ASCII cu viteza de 1200 bps;
      4. Conectati la iesirea driverului TLE5206 un motor de curent continuu si realizati un program care va permite controlul turatiei acestuia cu telefonum mobil;
      5. Utilizand o aplicatie de tip voice recognition realizati pornirea/oprirea motorului utilizand comenzi vocale;
    • L10.7 Laboratorul poate fi extins pentru:
      • Realizarea aplicatiilor de serie bazate pe ARM Cortex M0;
      • Realizarea sitemelor de control pentru motoare de curent continuu;
      • Realizarea sistemelor inteligente de iluminat;
      • Realizarea comunicatiilor de tip VLC;
      • Realizarea sistemelor iluminat pentru automobile;
      • Realizare actuatoarelor pentru telefoanele mobile;

    • L10.8 Informatii colaterale

    • © 2018 Fl. Pantilimonescu - Technical University Iasi,Romania